Skin Rejuvenation

Due to the presence of high concentrations of these growth factors, PRP has been used in a wide variety of surgical procedures and clinical treatments, including the treatment of problematic wounds and maxillofacial bone defects, cosmetic surgeries, and gastrointestinal surgeries. Recently, PRP has attracted attention in the field of dermatology, specifically in the aesthetic field for skin rejuvenation.
Aging of human skin results from a combination of a gradual decline in function over time (intrinsic aging)
and cumulative damage caused by environmental factors (extrinsic aging), which include smoking, exposure to chemicals, and notably, ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation. In dermis, UVB has shown to stimulate collagenase production by human dermal fibroblasts (HDF) and induce collagenase gene expression. In skin, which is continually exposed to UVB, collagen degeneration and altered deposition of elastic tissue result in the impairment of the structural integrity of the dermal ECM causing the skin to wrinkle. The skin’s resilience is also reduced.

Aging affects the entire facial structure including the skin, muscles, and facial bones. While there are individuals who choose to accept aging as a part of life, many people opt for cosmetic surgery as an alternative.

Cosmetic procedures, known as facial rejuvenation treatments can help you regain your youthful appearance.

Non-surgical facial rejuvenation does not require any incisions, and the patients barely endure any downtime.

First collagen induction therapy by micro-needling.

Collagen Induction Therapy (also known as micro-needling), is a procedure that improves the facial appearance by reducing wrinkles, stretch marks, and acne scars by stimulating the skin’s natural ability to repair itself. The Micro needling technique utilizes tiny and extremely sharp needles to create multiple micro-channels in the outer layers of the skin.

These micro-injuries stimulate the body to release growth factors and cytokines, which trigger the wound-healing process. During this process, the body procedures more collagen-a fibrous protein that contributes to the structural integrity of the skin- resulting in a thicker and more youthful-appearing skin. The Collagen Induction Therapy method is scientifically proven to be a natural, long lasting, collagen reformation technique.

How does Micro-Needling work?

The needling breaks up old collagen strands that tether the sunken wrinkle. Each microscopic needle insertion immediately causes the release of platelets and fibroblasts by the body. These platelets, in turn, produce a series of growth factors that stimulate the body’s own production of natural collagen and elastin.

The micro channels are formed by the small needles penetrating the skin layers which aid in infusing therapeutic serums for greater penetration.

A topical anaesthetic is applied before a micro needling treatment.

The skin reddens and swells immediately after the treatment, but by day 2-3, the skin return to a moderate pink flush and the mild swelling decreases. It is most common to begin to see true changes or positive results as soon as 1-2 weeks after the first treatment.

For collagen induction, we recommend starting with 3-4 treatments, but with a minimum separation time of 4 to 6 weeks between procedures. For scar reduction, an average of 3 to 6 treatments is recommended to achieve an optimal result.