Laser Acupuncture
What is Laser Acupuncture?
The use of laser light as an alternative to needles to stimulate acupuncture points has been promoted for almost three decades. Laser acupuncture would appear to represent an effective form of acupuncture for the management of most conditions and could be considered as a viable alternative to more traditional forms of acupuncture point stimulation.
Laser Acupuncture utilises exactly the same principles and protocols as traditional acupuncture, but has some positive advantages over the use of conventional needles being:
- Aseptic
- Non-invasive
- Painless and with no reported side-effects
- Shorter duration
- A gentle and effective alternative to traditional acupuncture, for use on the young, old or nervous whether human or animal!
Physiological Effects of Low Level Laser Therapy
- Stimulates cell growth: increases ATP production 150 X
- Increases cell metabolism
- Improves cell regeneration
- Invokes an anti-inflammatory response
- Promotes edema reduction
- Reduces fibrous tissue formation
- Stimulates nerve function
- Reduces the production of substance P
- Stimulates long term production of nitric oxide
- Decreases the formation of bradikynin, hystamine and acetylcholine
- Stimulates the production of endorphins
Laser Acupuncture for Needle Fear
The number one reason people avoid seeing an acupuncturist is because they are afraid of pain. A phopia of needles is very real fear and will often cause potential patients to reject even the idea of acupuncture treatment.
Laser Acupuncture for Substance and Alcohol Abuse
Acupuncture treats chemical addiction and behavioral compulsions that feed a person’s addiction to abuse harmful substances , including pharmaceutical and recreational drugs and alchohol. Acupuncture treatment reduces withdrawal symptoms, aids in relaxation in cases of anxiety, improves sleep, and reduces cravings for drugs or substances.
Quit Smoking
Laser Acupuncture for Smoking Cessation
Laser acupuncture is successful with smoking cessation and has turned a growing number of cigarette smokers into permanent ex-smokers. Treatments take all of your symptoms into account and aim at balancing the energy within the body to optimize health.
The laser acupuncture treatments focus on reducing jitters, cravings, irritability and restlessness; all withdrawal symptoms that are common amongst quitters. Laser acupuncture also aids in relaxation and detoxification, and helps to physically remove tar and nicotine residue from the body. This allows the lungs to feel lighter and the voice less gravely, helps stop coughing and improves digestion.
How Does Acupunture Laser Therapy Help One Quit Smoking?
The acupuncture points chosen for our smoking cessation treatment are designed to reduce your cravings for cigarettes and stop the addiction through several different mechanisms. From the TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) point of view, your tobacco withdrawal symptoms are being produced by impeding damage to your liver’s functioning. In simplified terms, because you are addicted to tobacco, your liver has become used to the stimulation of the tobacco that is usually in your circulation, and this has substituted a part of your liver’s own energy, so that your liver now has less energy. Laser Acupuncture treatment works by stimulating the functioning of your Liver (that is, by increasing its energy back to a more normal level), and this then eases your tobacco withdrawal symptoms, since your liver can then function properly without the need for tobacco.
Another effect of laser acupuncture treatment is that it tends to change your experience of smoking. Following treatment , some people find that the taste of the smoke becomes unpleasant, others find that the smell of the smoke makes them feel nauseous, and others find that smoking makes them become unpleasantly warm. This change helps you to stop smoking by putting you off the experience of smoking.
Finally, laser acupuncture treatment stimulates the release of endorphins that helps to take away the craving for nicotine. It is similar to smoking in that, when you smoke you inhale nicotine, which goes into your body and makes you feel better for 20-30 minutes. These effects generally wear off quickly, prompting you to smoke another cigarette to raise your endorphin level once again. Thus, you are basically under constant stress and pressure when you continue smoking. This is where physical and psychological dependence comes in. After starting the laser therapy, your brain will begin to release these endorphins continuously for a prolonged period of time, therefore diminishing the physical craving.
The effects of the laser will last from 6-9 months. Generally only one visit is required to completely alleviate the addiction. If, however, you smoke within 3 months of your initial treatment, an additional treatment is provided to you at no additional cost. Boosts are available at a nominal charge should the cravings persist beyond 90 days, although this is unusual.
It is crucial to note that not everyone responds or reacts exactly the same way. There are no reported side effects from laser therapy, and the majority of clients treated respond positively.
Do You Truly Want to Quit?
The desire to quit is almost half the battle, one that can be won if the client is willing to change specific habits and disassociate certain triggers and stress. However, we have had many clients that come in because of one of the following reasons:
- Surgery will not be done until after they quit smoking
- Their workplace bans smoking throughout, including the parking lot
- A spouse says quit, or else
Laser therapy is not a quick method, and effort has to be made by the individual in order to succeed in quitting for life. At Laser Concept Therapy we counsel you on how to not only become a non-smoker. But also we focus on how to remain a non-smoker…for life.
Ask yourself, “Can I see myself without a cigarette?” “Am I prepared to enlist the help of family and friends in times of stress or “tough” times?” “Am I prepared to use alternative coping strategies, or just give in and smoke?” You have to want to quit, if you are not 100% “mentally” prepared to quit, give yourself time.
Benefits of quitting
20 Minutes |
8 Hours |
24 Hours |
48 Hours |
2-1/2 Weeks |
1-9 Months |
1 Year |
5 Years |
Drawbacks of Smoking
- Dark colored teeth
- Bad breath
- Bad smelling clothes
- Stained hands
- Cigarette ashes
- Polluted air
- Chronic cough
- Shortened life span
- Pasty complexion
- Risk to pregnancy
- Risk of developing life threatening, incurable diseases
- “Smoker’s” mouth (wrinkles from inhaling)
- Lack of energy
- Loss of taste
- Loss of smell
- Disapproval of loved ones
- Being socially unacceptable
- Being sent out to smoke in the cold
- Premature aging
- Wasted money ($3000 – $5000/year/person)
How to Maintain Smoking Cessation After Acupunture Laser Therapy?
Behavior modification deals with changing the habit patterns that trigger you to smoke throughout your normal activities of daily living. These cues may be phone conversations, coffee breaks, meals, sexual activity, boredom, traffic problems, or other frustrations. Eliminating these triggers will drastically reduce the times you will be tempted to smoke a cigarette. We encourage our clients to start alternative activities when presented by cues, such as sucking on candy, chewing on a toothpick, using ordinary chewing gum.